Empowering Black Entrepreneurs:

Your Path to Digital Business Success

Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential at

Shop Black University


What is Shop Black University?

Let's face it – being a Black solo entrepreneur isn't a walk in the park. It's like juggling a million things while hoping your social media, website, and marketing efforts don't fall flat. Sound familiar? Well, it's time to change the game.

The Story of Shop Black University (SBU):
Once upon a time, there was a dream—a dream that many people, including me, shared. We thought that starting a business would be easy. We believed that by posting on social media, customers would come and give us money. But soon, we found out that running a business was like solving a big puzzle.

As business owners, we build websites and post on Instagram, but not many people visit or buy from us. Making money consistently is tough, and there is always this pressure to succeed. Still, we want more from life—more success, more happiness, and more freedom.

After founding Shop Black Fest and being entrepreneurs for ten years, we decided to make a change. We saw the struggles of other Black entrepreneurs, and we knew we could help. So, we created Shop Black University (SBU).

SBU is a place of hope, support, and learning for people like us and for the community of business owners we want to empower. Our goal is simple: to help Black entrepreneurs succeed in the business world. We wanted to show that with the right knowledge and support, anyone could achieve their dreams.
As time goes on, we hope SBU will grow into a thriving community where entrepreneurs can find answers to their questions, get support when things get tough, and stay motivated on their journey.

Our big dream is to help every Black-owned business in the world compete with others and succeed online. We believe that together, we can achieve amazing things.

So, Shop Black University is not just a place; it's a story of dreams, challenges, and the belief that we can all do more. It's your story, my story, and the story of every entrepreneur who wants to make their dreams come true. Join us on this incredible journey, where dreams come alive, and entrepreneurs find their power.

Why We're the Real Deal:

  • We're not about empty words. We're about results and growth.
  • No more scratching your head over what to do next with your online business or how to use social media – we break it down.
  • We're your sidekick on the journey, sharing what's tried, tested, and true.
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Our Mission, Your Growth.

Shop Black University (SBU) is the embodiment of a shared dream—a dream where every Black entrepreneur's potential is realized. We're on a mission to empower, inspire, and unite the Black business community. SBU is more than a platform; it's a journey, a community, and a commitment to fostering economic empowerment. Join us in building a legacy of innovation, resilience, and success.

Unlock Your Potential Today.

Start Your Journey

Meet the Visionary Behind SBU

Tee Westbrook: Pioneering the Path to Success
Meet Tee Westbrook, the visionary behind Shop Black University (SBU). With over a decade of entrepreneurial experience, Tee's mission is to empower Black entrepreneurs. She co-founded Shop Black Fest and founded SBU to provide resources and a supportive community. Tee envisions a world where every Black-owned business can thrive, and she's leading the way with dedication, passion, and a deep understanding of the challenges entrepreneurs face. Join Tee and the SBU community in the journey towards entrepreneurial success and economic empowerment.